Saturday, March 17, 2012

This Weeks Adventure

Whew! Huff puff...We gotta catch up on this blogging thing!

Sunday, after church we kiddos went to some friends place for lunch.
Going on a walk...

 Well, I did forget to mention that that was a 'Special friends' place?
Logan and Sandy
 Clay and Sheila
 Clark and Serena
 Kurt, concentrating really hard at steering the lawnmower, while somebody is pushing it.
 Here is some really silly girls!
Serena and Samantha
 Nevin helping Keith do school.

 There is an awesome thing about having an all paved driveway. You get to do things like this at home. ;)

 Nevin fixing a bike tire.
 Ay looky here what I see! Does this mean spring is here? Or at least close to being here? After all it is only March.
 A duck. :)
Kenny fixing or....Doing something to the ranger...

Sigh. Whelp, I think I caught up on this blogging thing. I hope you enjoyed viewing our lives from the boring side. I mean...Well see, it doesn't look as fun and chaotic in pictures as it is in real life. :)


Maria said...

Nice post. And I KNOW how fun and chaotic things are. =)

Esther said...

As always, the pic's are interesting!!