Monday, December 9, 2013

New York Times!

After lots of convincing the parents, Sue and Sheila got to go up to New York with some of their favorite cousins. =) So here's some pictures of what they've been up to - like having a blast! 
                             On the way up to New York.
                             Sheila, Sharla, and Sue.

One of the stops included Cappuccino!


Finally in New York - making food


Here we are playing house. =)


We took lunch to the guys at work - here's us waiting in the truck to leave.
Krista and Sheila


Brenda, Sue, Sheila and Sharla


We went shopping on Thursday.
Sue, waiting for Karen and Brenda to come out of the store.


Making Pretzels


Sheila and Sharla.. Hanging out in the kitchen.

On a walk...

Best Buddies..

Sue and Brenda.

Krista. Enjoying the COLD!

We found a marker along the road....

And then a silo...

So we Signed our names.
(Like our pen holder? )

Krista got stuck in these cozy burrs.

When we returned from our walk Brenda made a fantastic cake.


Using up the extra frosting!

Someone thought Sharla would look good in a mustache.

On one of the wonderful week days we took lunch to the Guys at work.

Titus, enjoying what the wonderful cooks prepared him.

Matthew, smiling so sweetly at the camera.

Travis, picking up scraps of wood.


Brenda, Sue, Sheila, and Sharla waiting in the Truck to go home.

Playing volley Ball on Friday.


Sue and Tabs.

Ellen and Krista playing.

How many people does it take to take down the net?

After Volley Ball Some people came over and we played scum , ate Ice cream, and drank coffee.

Krista, Brain freeze!!!!

Sharla had a bad hand one time...(Actually, lots of times. =)

Ellen, enjoying some yummy Coffeeeee!!!!

O, forgot to mention that there was peanut butter too!!  (Sue)

And today we went to the job to enjoy doing some puttying.. ha!

Trying to decide if there was enough room in the back yard for a volley ball net.
All that we care about. =)

Sisters!!  Brenda and Sharla.

Matthew, being a good boy and sweeping the floor.

Samuel, working with a smile. ha!

Having a rest from all the work we had not been doing.


Just a random picture.
On one of the occasions our dear Uncle pushed a shopping cart all through the mall.
It was kinda embarrassing for the ones with him.

After being in Lowes for hours
(Cause the Uncle couldn't make up His mind) Krista got bored.

And Sharla got tired of walking.

Sue did too..

Then everybody thought they needed to ride.

(Really bored)  Sharla, with red eyes.

Just in case you didn't know this is Sharla!!

Now the Uncle and Aunt are in the Home Depot...
We stayed in the car this time and ate Lindors.

Sheila and Sharla. (again )

Sue with Sharla's glasses on.

I hope you enjoyed this crazy long post.
Be glad we didn't post all the pictures and misted taking pictures at some of the events. =)

And because we couldn't find a better picture to end with,
you get to see the view across the road from The Veterinary Clinic, turned Business, turned Home
- a.k.a. The place we are living for the next two weeks.

Sincerely, the New York Times Best Blog-Posters...
Sela and Sula.

While we are in here working on this post,
there are some Ducks in the next room moo-ing away a lovely song.
That they are planning to baaa out  in church next Sunday.
It sounds great.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun!!!

Maria said...

Wow!!! Love the pictures. Makes me miss you guys. Post more!!!

Anonymous said...

The funny thing about Titus enjoying the food the wonderful cooks made him, is his plate looks empty.? ;)